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Funny, a censored jerry springer fairy tale?

No bad words, but it is kind of funny. This is the part of the story they don't tell you, where snow white finally realizes that prince charming is a jerk-off, and decides to get a divorce. Just something I decided to write, happy tuesday!!!

You layed a kiss upon my lips, to wake me cold as stone,
my stepmother cast a spell, to turn me dead as bone.
SHe gave me an apple, my favorite fruit,
yet when I fell, she gave me the boot.
To become a frozen girl, until thine,
lay his lips and kissed mine.
Soon after I realized it wasn't a fairy tale,
you never helped out with the housework, without fail.
Made those poor dwarves, do all the work,
while your duties, you'd consistently shirk.
Nor help out with the kids, or rise even to feed,
Now I realize your kiss, was plagued with greed.
Have a happily eveer after, with your butt in jail,
I hope you've enjoyed, this jerry springer fairy tale.
Let this be a lesson to all,
listen to your friends, short and tall.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hahaha, I like! Appropriate for the Jerry Springer Generation.