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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> One for the hardcore fans: Is Snape GOOD or EVIL. Tread lightly...?


One for the hardcore fans: Is Snape GOOD or EVIL. Tread lightly...?

Before you answer. Take this into consideration: Snape DID kill Dumbledore. But remember that it was VERY important to the Headmaster to keep Snape's cover. It is possible that Snape told Dumbledore of the Unbreakable Vow that if Malfoy did not kill him, Snape would fill out the order. So (in order to save Snape's life and to keep Snape's cover) Dumbledore told Snape to kill him if they would have ever come to that conclusion. (And of course it did on the balcony.) Also remember that Snape is the most accomplished Legelimens next to Lord Voldemort himself and would have easily kept the Unbreakable vow a secret. It all comes down to whether Snape really did decide to come back and STAY back on the side of good after the fall of Voldemort 13 years prior. Mind you 13 years IS a long time and all that time spent with Dumbledore just might have given him a new light on things.

I am interested in any theories that any hardcore fans like myself may have on this controversial subject.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: As mean as he is, I don't think he's evil.

If he was, I'm sure he wouldn't have taken the time to Stupefy Flitwick to distract Hermione and Luna.
I'm certain that if Snape was evil, he would have killed them instead. And he would have killed Harry.

But he didn't.

Snape's not stupid. He saw two broomsticks, and knows about the invisiblity cloak. He knew Harry was there. Dumbledore was pleading for his death; he wanted Snape to kill him so Malfoy wouldn't be stained with his blood, so Harry would be safe.

Also... there was an argument between Snape and Dumbledore that is never explained.
And Snape's hand twitched.

I suggest, if you want to know more, to check out They've got great editorials on the subject.