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What is the "real" meaning of life to you??

My opinion of it is, this life that we are all in know is the ultimate test. God told us that if we can follow basic rules and love one another we will walk on streets of gold when we pass on from this world and only have our souls left. It all seems to make great sense when you look at peoples behaviours and the greatness or destruction that they bring on themselves or others. I'm I alone on this or does anyone understand where I am coming from????

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think we are meant to live the lives we're given to the best of our ability and help out other people when we can. We won't know what this life is all about until it's over and we meet our maker. We don't know how long we'll be here, whose lives we'll affect, who will affect our lives, whether we'll reach our dreams, or where we'll be a year from today. So in my opinion, we should just try to become better people with every day we're given. All you can do is the best you can do.