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Hey people... rate my poem... be honest!?


Whispered white moves against deepest blue,
Billowy, light, endless distance.

The crisp sound is cold against my face.
And wind, sea, and sky are in my eyes.

Im level with rooftops, and the treeline guards my thighs,
my inner most places, my swell.

Sitting and talking never looked so good in the
dim knowing
beyond the nearest horizon.

Even the edge of the earth is only a slim line,
The distance between my here and there,
crossed by love, breached by your words.

And the fallacy of "you" and "me" frays,
its shredded ends dissolve.
Only the fabric of life and of movement in this moment.

I watch the whispered white and deepest blue mend
the deepest hallows of my heart and hear your loving words.

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1 week ago
Wow! Super! Thanks guys... :-D

No im not published anyone know a good website to try to get published?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1 week ago
Wow! Super! Thanks guys... :-D

No im not published anyone know a good website to try to get published?