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At what point should I give up on a boring book?

When I commit to a book, I always finish it. However, despite my great interest in the subject matter, this is a scholarly book that is soo damn repetitious! There are some interesting pieces of info, but in order to prove their point, the author repeats, repeats, and repeats points!! AHHHHH!!! What do I do?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My first thought is that you should use a different type of reading to get through the book -- scan, don't pore. Don't feel guilty if you don't read every ... single ... word ... on the page. That being said, if the style turns you off you just have to decide if the information is worth it. It's not like a novel, in which the plot could well pick up and grab you.

If it's still painful after a couple or three chapters, put it aside for a month or two. You might find it more interesting later. If not, so be it.