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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> What's a good easy way to learn how to write stand-up comedy?


What's a good easy way to learn how to write stand-up comedy?

I can't really learn it by reading longs books about it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If there were a "good, easy" way to do anything, everyone would do it. We would be living in a world of fit, wealthy, healthy, happy, well-educated, sexually satisfied peple who all got along with each other.

The fact is that everybody has something they find easy, and many things they find hard. If you really want to do something, the journey towards getting to do is is part of the joy of doing it.

Now, I don't know of any long books about writing stand-up comedy, but I would reccommend going to comedy clubs and talking to the comedians. If there is an open mike comedy night near you, try writing something you think you would want to hear and perform it. If there are any comedy writing classes in your area, enroll. If there are no comedy cluds, opeb mikes, or classes near you, and you really, really want to write comedy, move to where there is, like New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, etc.

And remember what someone once said: Death is easy, comedy is hard.

Captain Zorikh