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Kreacher dangerous, Die Sirius?

I found this at muggle you think this was a sign that Sirius would seems pretty odd to me...

"In St. Mungo??s, when they are going to visit Mr. Weasley- 'They climbed a flight of stairs and entered the "Creature-Induced Injuries" corridor, where the second door on the right bore the words 'DANGEROUS' DAI LLEWELLYN WARD: SERIOUS BITES.' If you put these words on a sign, they would read:

Creature-Induced Injuries
Dai Llewellyn Ward
Serious Bites

Take the first word of each of these and what do you get get? Creature Dangerous Dai Serious? No - Kreacher dangerous, Die Sirius..."

What do you think...a big cowincedence or not?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I believe it was a form of foreshadowing. JK Rowling has used subtle foreshadowing in all of the books so far. She's a brilliant author and that just shows it!

It's like in HBP when Snape says to Narcissa and Bellatrix "Dumbledore has been a great wizard" or something like that. Rowling wrote "has been" instead of "is" to foreshadow his death.

Clever, isn't she?