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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Why is life so hard? What's the purpose? You try and try and nothing seems to


Why is life so hard? What's the purpose? You try and try and nothing seems to work.?

It's just hard to keep going on everyday knowing that nothing is probably going to change. What is the purpose of it all?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: bad things happen, but so do good things. You don't always get what you want. it happens to everyone. no one is perfect. What's right is not always popular and what's popular is not always right. The right thing to do is not always the best thing to do, and sometimes you should just go with your gut. Surely your life is not all bad. Theres good things about it too. Whatever cause you to ask this question...maybe emabarassment, or'll get over it. Sometimes it feels like it will always be bugging you, but I know from experience that you'll get over it. I guess life doesn't have a purpose and you'll get a whole lot of different answers but just live the life you were givin and you'll be allright. WHOOOOO!!!!! THATS MY PHILOSOPHY!!!!! BOOOYA!!! PARTY LIKE A ROCKSTA!!!