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is Love a Mechanism, a Tendency, or a capacity?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think ALL love is learned. Lust is a mechanism, it's how love starts and begins to work and develop; it's a tendency, an inclination towards what could be love, and a capacity, a realization that you may be capable of feeling more towards someone.

Real love though has more to do with what occurs after this stormy notion of lust calms. It involves much more than lust. It's steadfast, it's commitment through all of lives stuggles, it's practical, it's give and take, "working through". You can't really love someone you don't really know inside and out. And, this takes time and experience with a mate.

I think love is much, much more than a mechanism, tendency, or capacity. But, hey, just my 2 cents :-). I'm interested to see how others will question :-).