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Are you spiritual?

What do you think of when someone tells you that they are ??spiritual??? Do you think that they are Christian? Do you then see them as Earthy, Hippy, New Agey? Do you assume that they??ve spent long stretches of time trying to figure out who they are in relation to the universe around them?

What is Spirituality? Is it different to everyone? Is it a term that has been stretched so thin that no one can really define it? So would you say that you are Spiritual? Why? Why not?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I tend to assume that the person who proclaims themself to be "spiritual" is probably concerned with something beyond what one can know by senses alone. It is strange how I think they are not God-believers as Christians, but more-so the earthy new agey types who do not follow any particular doctrine but are open to new ideas with vague margins.

I do not necessarily assume they've committed themselves to the pursuit of spirituality so that they are gurus or anything like that. Perhaps they have spent time reading Bhaghavagita and the New Testatment, but whatever they did, it gave them as sense of connection to something beyond themselves.

Spirituality is an awareness of something beyond themselves of a possibly different concept of existence that one may strive for. It doesn't exclude or necessarily necessitate the existence of some deity, but is more a sense of "something" that draws their motivation to keep searching or aiming.

I think this notion is different to everyone. I've defined it in my own way and I believe everyone else can define it. It isn't stretched thin unless the word has lost meaning; it hasn't.

I would never say I am spiritual, but I do hope and search for something. I know of a greater power beyond myself and feel gratitude but there has never been a time that I can say "spiritual" is the word to describe that deference one feels to some state of being, be it God or self-actualizing forces.