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Stephen King- On Writing?

I have to do a book report but i dont know how to start it out, so nobody thinks its a boring book.What should I say first that will get the class' attention??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Being from Maine - Stephen King is kind of a folk hero to us. Local boy made good kind of thing. He is such a great writer and it's not all blood and gore. He's written a couple of series - The Dark Tower series, and a novel called Eyes of the Dragon that are not gory at all - but tell great stories filled with great imagery and the pictures that he draws in my head are truly wonderful.

Then my favorite is The Stand - (not the tv movie version) but the book -- all 1148 pages of it. A classic tale of good versus evil of epic proportions. I've read it 3 times. (the first time was during final exams in college - 1148 pages in 3 days... not a lot of studying going on..)

Your question made me wonder more about his career - and the bibliography is truly amazing -
34 novels
13 collections of short stories
17 chapbooks
as well as 40+ awards

I thought I had all his books in my library - but my research has led me to find a couple of more that I didn't even know about yet. So thanks!

In answer to your question - I would start with your favorite passage from one of his books. Something particularly compelling and depending on your grade level - appropriate...
He does such an amazing job of painting a picture with the words that he uses - have the group close their eyes and picture along as you paint the scene.