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Do you focus on the positive,or the negative?

Do you see the glass as half empty,or,half full?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Those are two sides of the same coin. You'd better just focus on the coin. It doesn't make sense to just focus on one side. If there was no negative there would be no positive. So, you couldn't experience the pleasure of the positive if you never felt the pain of the negative.

As I am an entrepreneur I'll give you another perspective. When you focus on the positive, you'll have excellent sources of inspiration and innovation; you'll be able to see opportunities. That's the upshot of focusing on the positive.

Now, when you focus on the negative, you'll prepare yourself for all postive loopholes in a business strategy and you'll be prepared for any contingencies. That's the upshot of focusing on the negative.

See, it's a continuous cycle; to optimize the potential of each side you need to maintain a balance, "the viamedia" or as the Buddhists call it, "the middle way". Serenity is the key.

Follow your spirit.