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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> What did Gandhi mean about the importance of a national spirit when he said??A n


What did Gandhi mean about the importance of a national spirit when he said??A national spirit is...?

??A national spirit is necessary for the national existence.?? Can someone please help me with this??....Thanks so much!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: He was saying that in order for a nation to continue to exist, the people who live in it must have a sense of pride, loyalty to the nation. Americans talk about being a "Patriot"...Brits about being a "Nationalist"...these two things mean the same thing. That a citizen of any nation has to love it enough to be willing to be part of it...accept all the problems as well as all the accomplishments of it. Put aside the differences in favor of being one people, working together to create something that will last.