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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Does anyone know any vocal techniques at talking like arnold schwarzeneggar?


Does anyone know any vocal techniques at talking like arnold schwarzeneggar?

I have been trying to learn to talk like ARNOLD is very hard. I have been watching a lot of vids on youtube, but can anyone offer any advice? Maybe some vocal techniques?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 'R' noises make an 'Ah' sound, so repeat after me:

I am Ah-neld. A's also make the 'ah' noise. Also, use german pronounciation of vowels:
'a' - ah
e - a (like 'hey' without the h)
i - e (like We, without the w, Ahnald has somewhat grasped how to sound out 'i' in english, so vari it to see. The Line "I'll be Baaack", he uses it properly. However, the word California
(pronounced by Ahnald "Cahleefoneeah) is pronounced almost identically in the German language.
o - same as in english (oh)
u - makes an oo sound (see note on 'i')

Hope that helps, if not,
A'lll be Bahck.