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Do good and evil really exist?

Is a lion evil for killing and eating a gazelle, or is it good because it is eliminating the weak and injured of the herd thereby keeping it (the herd) genetically viable?

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1 week ago
Some have stated that good and evil don't exist in nature. Take the lion/gazelle example and insert serial killer for lion and soccer mom for gazelle. Could one not make the argument that the human race is overpopulated.

1 week ago
And the room goes silent.....

1 week ago
In nature when the ratio of predator to prey becomes unbalanced the weaker predators fall victim to disease, starvation and/or cannibalism. They die until the equilibrium is re-established. So again, does good and evil exist.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1 week ago
Some have stated that good and evil don't exist in nature. Take the lion/gazelle example and insert serial killer for lion and soccer mom for gazelle. Could one not make the argument that the human race is overpopulated.