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Who else thinks that Henry VIII was a gluttonous and sadistic tyrant?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Ah gee can't you give a fat guy a break? But seriously you have to take into account the temper of the times. Brutality was the norm during Tudor times - - - and in his prime Henry the VIII was a Star. The fat bloated monstrosity etched on the historic DNA reflects the final ten years of Henry's life. Henry had the physique of a Football player. During his teens into his twenties until his mid thirties he was hard bodied muscular and quite the stud. Like many a 'big' athlete once the rigorous daily exercise tapered off due to injuries & infirmaries, the body became fat & bloated. A lot of that was due to ignorance. Then as now people had misconceptions about diet & exercise - - - though why Henryy who had been so proud of his bdy didn't do more to combat his weight is a mystery.

A lot of that was probably due to Manic Depression. Henry had all the signs of several emotional & mental disorders. Henry was frustarted, his plans unravelling, his inability to father a legit male child, the doubtful parentage of his two daughters, the fraility of his one legit son - - - the chaos sown by his divorce, the break with Rome, all combined to make Henry miserable. If you are the tight who wishes for people to suffer for their perceived misdeeds then be assured Henry suffered. His final five years were horrible. Ulcerated legs oozing pus, mistrust & doubt paralyzing his court, his legacy irretrievably tarnished.

But yes Henry was Sadistic but it was a Sadistic age.
