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Multiple CHOICE!!?

1 - Nonoartisan elections:
a - are the same as open primaries.
b - usually only occur at the local level.
c - are elections for federal jude and are always from the party controlling the Senate.
d - are illegal in 24 states.

2 - Biggest drawback of the need for large amount of money to campaign is that:

a - people who cannot raise the money are denied the chance to be elected.
b - candidates must use of their own money in order to get elected.
c - political action committees (PACs) have a hard time raising needed funds.
d - getting money from PACs and temporary organizations is a difficult process.

Thank you!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1. B
- Open primaries are partisan, it's just that you don't have to be a registered member of a party to vote in them. Federal judges are appointed not elected. D makes no sense.

2. A
- Denial of the chance for a non-wealthy person to be elected is the major reason why some call for public financing of campaigns, caps on campaign spending, and tougher campaign finance laws. Also look at news reports about how most of the people elected to Congress are millionaires.