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My newest poem? What is it?

I Somehow got catapulted
appearing from center of nothing
What you get, you don't see, that's me
Perhaps a paradox, a heist
dropped evidence before you to examine?

Approach it wisely, for it quivers and if you breath it'll disapear
With all of your possesions dear.
Watch the way gears turn, see the circles run round
Humming the tune of a violent start
One joins many, and many fall apart splitting stars with a thundering sound.
Down to the nuclei
to the bottom of the heart
to the end of the Pi.
till the beginning of primodial slime...
it's hard to count
the steady pace of things unseen.

so you estimate my arrivals
and theorize about your departure
and pontificate the whole mind-numbing structure
and try to guess the correct time.
But I won't die...
What am I?

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1 week ago
Sorry Grace... Not it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1 week ago
Sorry Grace... Not it.