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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Magician...?



Hey there,
I was wondering, does anyone know WHERE people learn those amazing illusionist tricks? Or how to do them? If a magician never reveals there secrets, then how are there so many magicians?!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: One of the best places to begin is your local public library. There are many books about conjuring (performing magic). There are also magic shops, both brick and mortar and online, where you can by supplies and specific tricks or illusions. Also, don't forget, Barnes and Nobel and other book sellers. They have books on conjuring and magic as well.

Performing magic involves more that just knowing "the secret." Acting, public speaking and presentational abilities all play a part. So, practice is essential to a good performance.

You may also discover that there is a local magic club in your area.