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What were the acheivements made by julius caesar?

he was a roman

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Julius Caesar was one of ancient Rome's greatest generals and statesmen during the Republic. He also was a great orator, politician and writer. Caesar was a military genius. He conquered Gaul (France) and made it part of Rome. He also invaded Britain twice in 55 and 54 B.C. After he defeated Pompey in a Civil War he became the master of Italy. He had himself appointed dictator and consul. He intervened in the civil war in Egypt by making Cleopatra ruler of Egypt. He defeated Pharnaces II, King of Pontus. In gratitute of his victories the people of Rome made Caesar dictator for 10 years, then for life. He used his power wisely. He made many important reforms. He improved the calendar. He established a plan for reorganizing the city government. He also established colonies outside of Italy. He is believed to have had a canal constructed across the ithmus of Corinth. Caesar is also the author of "Commentaries on the Gallic War". I hope that this has been a help to you.