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How do you tend your Garden?

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2 days ago
All great answers so far, both spiritual and practical. And I do LOVE lavender and wintergreen. After years trying to get the lavender started, last year I put in French, now it's crowding out other things. It's a lot like life, if you get good things going they crowd the bad, but you still have to take care.

2 days ago
Mary Stuart paid dearly for her garden.

1 day ago
Patzky do you do Chanoyu? sounds like you've got a place for it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 2 days ago
All great answers so far, both spiritual and practical. And I do LOVE lavender and wintergreen. After years trying to get the lavender started, last year I put in French, now it's crowding out other things. It's a lot like life, if you get good things going they crowd the bad, but you still have to take care.