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Help with Nietzsche quote?

One of my favorites, goes something like: a man who does not have 2/3 of the day to himself is a slave.

What is the proper quotation and on what work is it found? Also, does this 2/3 include the allotted 8 hours of sleep we supposedly need?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: This quote is from Nietzsche's Human, All Too Human, V. Tokens of Higher and Lower Culture, aphorism 283:

Principal deficiency of active men.— Active men are generally wanting in the higher activity: I mean that of the individual. They are active as officials, businessmen, scholars, that is to say as generic creatures, but not as distinct individual and unique human beings; in this regard they are lazy. —It is the misfortune of the active that their activity is always a little irrational. One ought not to ask the cash-amassing banker, for example, what the purpose of his restless activity is: it is irrational. The active roll as the stone rolls, in obedience to the stupidity of the laws of mechanics.— As at all times, so now too, men are divided into the slaves and the free; for he who does not have two-thirds of his day to himself is a slave, let him be what he may otherwise: statesman, businessman, official, scholar.