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Are people without social vices considered 'boring'?

vices - any habit, addiction harmful to the body when done in excess

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: hello !!

bang on !!

indeed,i've known people who have similar views & since people constitute society,so yes,lack of social vices does make one ''boring'' in the eyes of society.or worse still, ''uncool'', ''primitive'', ''sheepy'' & a fool.
how ridiculous !!
according to me, the ones obssessed with vices are the fools who really need to get a life !!
when we know something is gonna harm us,why do it?
for the fun of it?
shame on us,what ideas of fun we have.
i am ashamed for those people who humiliate others & call them cowards.they think they are brave & adventurous.
lolzz !!
they might as well use their adventurous spirits & courage for better,more positive & constructive purposes rather than self-degradation.
i am ''viceless''
whoa !!i am boring.
thanks society,hats off.

cheers :)