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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> What is the definition of art by jose garcia villa?


What is the definition of art by jose garcia villa?

i need an answer regarding the definition of art of jose garcia villa..
what is art for him..

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There are few direct definitions of what art means to Jose Garcia Villa, one has to work this out from the various reviews/articles written about him. He is is usually placed within the Anglo-American modernist poetic and literary tradition" - the first and greatest English-language poet and writer in English in the Philippines. In 1972, when the Marcos government designated him as ??National Artist of the Philippines.?? His art - that is his writing - can be defined by its rich lushness of his imagery, the passionate intensity of his emotion he achieve, at times, a kind of biblical beauty.
He was always the talk of the town because of his "acts". He believed in "Art for art's sake" approach and he applied it to his life and works.
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and review on anniversary of his death;