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Who REALLY discover America?

We know Cristopher Columbus, but now we hear about the Vikings (Vinland map and artefact findings) in 1000 something, the Chinese Admiral Zheng He with his treasure fleet (South America) 75 years before Columbus, and even some rumors about Solomon who would have sent an expedition to America 1000 years before Christ!! So I want to know, who REALLY found this place after the initial waves of immigrations from the Beiring straits (please dont tell me mongolia)?

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1 week ago
Staisil, this was exactly the response I was not asking for... WE ALL know they were the original, but I was looking for the visitors....

1 week ago
Its a shame that Chinese Mandarins of the time did not keep its documents...
And still considering how little is our western understanding of Asia history, we may still have a lot to learn.

1 week ago
Please Cameleon, learn to READ
before answering! It will help!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1 week ago
Staisil, this was exactly the response I was not asking for... WE ALL know they were the original, but I was looking for the visitors....