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Why did hiltler hate jews so much?

Everyone is well aware of the atrocities he committed on jews. Cruelty comes where there is great personal hatred and feelings of revenge!So why did Hitler hate jews so much?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hitler hated Jews for a few reasons. First, Jews were associated with the communist and socialist movements, which for nationalistic, non-working class europeans were something they desperately wanted to keep out of the country.

Jews also represented a scapegoat during a time of severe economic instability. Like the US, Germany also went through a major economic depression in the 20s and 30s, which was compounded by the Versailles Treaty. Jews, who often worked in upper middle class professions (banking, law, etc) were seen as outsiders earning the money that Germans should rightly have.

There are a lot of reasons Hitler felt so negatively against Jews. Ultimately, he was taking negative feelings about life in early 1900s Germany and projecting it onto Jews as a group.