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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> If you could live inside a painting, which would it be?


If you could live inside a painting, which would it be?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have always loved Pieter Brueghel, Hunters in the Snow (1565). If you are unfamiliar with the painting it depicts a group of hunters and their dogs returning to their village after a day in the field. It is a winter scene, and like so many of Brueghel's works, the background is alive with activity. Their are people working next to a fire to the left of the hunters and down below people are busy skating and playing on the ice. Houses and a village and farms stretch off into the distance.
Unlike many works of this period, but typical of Brueghel, it is a celebration of everyday life that, one should recall, was probanly not that great in the 16th century. I would like to live in this painting because despite what I know about this period in history, this particular scene evokes a certain warmth and serenity.