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How do you get over stage fright?

i absolutly love to sing, and i do get complements on my voice from all my friends. they say i'm really good, but when i get up to sing in front f people i just get so nervous. i need help!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Wow, I know how you feel.

I've been acting for years, and I NEVER get nervous when I go on stage. I'm completely ready and it's more of an adrenaline rush that stage fright.

But about a year and a half ago, I took a stong dive into the world of singing. Now I'm going into musical theatre but when it comes to singing, I still get really nervous.

Here's what I have to do.

I get where I need to be (ie, stage, behind a curtain for competitions, or backstage) and I take a minute and think. I tell myself it's all for fun, and no matter what happens, it's gonna happen. If I mess up? Oh well, professionals mess up! If I nail it! GREAT! But i'm never gonna do my best walking out there thinking about how scared I am.

So I focus on what needs to be done, whether it's singing a cut from a classical piece for Texas All-State, to going onstage for my solo in my musicals, to just singing for like Pop Show or a Cabaret type thing.

Don't focus on the people, or the fright or anything like that. Focus on your music. If you think about what you need to do during your music, think about how you want it to be portrayed, and have a good time doing it...before you know it, you're into it and not scared, and then all of a sudden it's over, you walk off stage and you're like..."OH CRAP! I JUST DID IT!"

love and peace.