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Do you like my poem?

If only I was able
to teach you what I have known
To watch someone so able
be apart of the grown

Yet I can not see, for I am out of the league
another shot in the dark
A lark?

You have been party to my tidal waves at home
Sure, I was not ever alone
so I wonder as I see your life tossed about
is anything real ?

Thank you for the wonders
the days beyond end
From the yellow to the light
Obiwan, I was always in sight
Then you went to a Yoda and
oh how I jumped and screamed

SO when the dark side approaches
as she has just one moon ago
HOW can I still trust you
when I am very ready to go?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: very insightful yo should be prous of your work =]