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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Which event happend first Purim or the Battle of Thermopylae (300 the movie)?


Which event happend first Purim or the Battle of Thermopylae (300 the movie)?

Which event happend first Purim or the Battle of Thermopylae (300 the movie)?

I believe Xerxes was the persian king for both events. I just wanted to know which event happened first.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Thermopylae occurred in 480BCE. The Book of Esther does not date anything except that it occurs in Xerxes reign. It does however, make allusions to it being a peaceful period in the Empire (No great wars, etcetera) so Purim probably occured after Thermopylae because The battle Took place five years after Xerxes took the throne and most of that time he was involved with warfare against the Greeks. Thus Thermopylae then Purim