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New to photoshop and digital photography new help understanding?

could someone please explain to me in simple language what does the hue saturation and brightness controls mean and how they are used in photoshop

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: "Hue" is what color things are.
"Saturation" is how bright the colors are. Less saturation means grayer colors.
"Brightness" is how ... well, bright something is. The brighter, usually the whiter and more washed-out something looks.

To get to the menu to change the hue, saturation, and/or brightness of an image, simply push "CTRL" and "U" at the same time, or use the Image menu at the top - it's under "Adjustments."

Experiment with what you can do in that menu, and see what it does to your pictures. That's the best way to learn Photoshop. ;)