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Resolved Actually ~ Can anyone please identify litho artist?

RE-POST, so please disregard! Just re-posting due to error in original question. Had to delete original but wanted to give bo_fra his well earned points for best answer! =o) Also, thank you to loganbrooks for alerting me to link problem in original post...
Can anyone please identify the artist and/or title of this signed lithograph ?
I purchased a lithograph issued by The Collector's Guild Ltd. It has the Authentication from "Societe de Verification de la Nouvelle Gravure Internationale of New York and Paris" with embossed stamp.Watercolor, mostly blue-greens and browns. Subject is a harbor in France containing what looks like small fishing boats. In background, buildings are labeled Le Bateau and another is Hotel de France. It is signed and states it is # 66 of 275. However, I can't make out the signature. Thank you in advance for any leads! =o)

BTW - The answer is Daniel Louradour. Not bad for a $5.00 thrift store purchase yesterday! =oD

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: yahoo link? ok,☺