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How should I start writing??

I like writing very much, and I would like to start this as a hobby, or maybe a part-time job, but I do not know how to start. I think I would like to write articles or short stories for magazines or newpapers, what should I do? Are there anyone who are already doing this?? Should I just mail my articles to their address?? Please help!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You might want to clean up your grammar and structure first.

"Are there anyone who are..." should be "Is there anyone who is..."

E-mail local editors of small newspapers and publications and ask about freelancing. Often they'll have you cover small events for reporters who are otherwise occupied. Additional items involve features, reviews, opinions, etc. Sometimes you'll get paid, others, you won't. What matters more is that you gain exposure and a professional portfolio.

Once you've established yourself, start branching out. And always, ALWAYS network. Put yourself out there and see where it goes.