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What's the weirdest HP shipping you've heard of?

Searching online I found some WEIRD harry potter are a few..

Tonks and Harry (BLECH!)
Draco and Harry
Ron and Harry
Remus and Ginny...(wtf)
Remus and Sirius...ewww.
Sirius and Harry
Harry and Hagrid
Draco and Hermione
Lilly and Sirius...okkk..
Lilly and Remus....bahahaha
Lilly and Snape
Snape and Harry
Snape and Remus
Ginny and Hermione
Molly Weasley and Remus

hahaha and I can't forget the best one yet I've found...

The Womping Willow and The Giant Squid...;)

Some people will go to the craziest extremes..

Whats the weirdest shppings you've heard and What shppings do you like?

The shippings I like

Harry and Ginny
Hermione and Ron
Molly and Arthur Weasley...;)

Ahh, you get it, the normal ones.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Now those are funny! I've made up some myself:

Molly Weasley and Harry Potter
Ginny and Voldemort
Lucius and James
Bellatrix and Barty Crouch
Sirius and Dumbledore
Dumbledore and Professor M
Bellatrix and Arthur Weasley
Hermione and Volemort
Hedwig and Scabbers/Wormtail
Pig and Hedwig
Vernon and Professor Trelawny (sorry if I spelled that wrong)
Umbridge and Cedric Diggory
Cho Chang and Ginny Weasley
Snape and Wormtail
Ron and Tonks
Harry and Tonks
Remus and Voldemort
Luna and Neville (not so weird, but different)
Scabbers and Crookshanks
Hedwig and Crookshanks
Colin Creevey and Remus
Hagrid and Dumbledore
Rita Skeeter and Hermione
Hermione and Crookshanks
Voldemort and Harry
Harry and Nicholas Flamel

I think I'm done here. lol