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Advice and opinions on the 1st paragraph of my novel!!??

here it goes:

Adaya sat under a tall pine tree, gazing onto what would be completely full of beauty if it wasn't for those lousy, dangerous evil spirits hidden in it - the Dark Forest. People believed it had gotten its name by how the spirits never let the tiniest speck of light within the reach of the secret. Every now and then Adaya and her sisters would glide about the wide open space before the entrance to the Dark Forest and just hoped they would be allowed to embrace it one day. A big quantity of the population was always heard spreading rumors of what its big secret was. But she was the only one who knew it. She had always seen dreams of it, lifelike visions. It was as if she were really there. Nobody else knew that she knew what it was, though, and she didn't think bragging about knowing it seemed to make their poor family more pleasant. Adaya lay there for a few long hours on end thinking about what seemed the impossible....

now, i was thinking id dedicate it to like,

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1 week ago
tweens, teens, kids. and i was also wondering if you would read it and the things i might need to change to make it a but more mature, like using those huge words for ex: JK rowlings grammar or someone like that. thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1 week ago
tweens, teens, kids. and i was also wondering if you would read it and the things i might need to change to make it a but more mature, like using those huge words for ex: JK rowlings grammar or someone like that. thanks!