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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Please give me 10 signifigant events in African American History?


Please give me 10 signifigant events in African American History?

Also, can it be a chrononlogial order...If not anything will help! Thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Dred Scott
Emancipation Proclamation
A couple of constitutional amendments (13 & 14?)
plessey v. ferguson
James A. Garfield, first octoroon president
George Washington Carver invented the peanut
brown v. board of education
Civil Rights Act of 1964
First black Supreme Court justice, Thurgood Marshall
First black chairman of the joint chiefs of staff & secretary of state, Colin Powell
Dave Chapelle, first African American to get his own show on Comedy Central then have a nervous breakdown before the beginning of the third season.