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I am writing a novel and was told to add more texture.?

I am writing a novel and was told to add more texture. What does that mean? Does it mean add more...fluff? We're not sure. Rapid answers would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Texture can mean a number of things. It can mean you need to go back to the drawing board where your characters are concerned. This is the problem I often have with my characters. Get to know them. Put them in situations that enrich what you have in mind for them. The site I've listed below is a really good tool for enriching your characters.
Texture may also be "narrative". You know, when your character isn't talking or interacting with anyone else. Just thinking. Revealing. Which goes right back to getting to know your characters. Add more of what's going on with them [get in their head] to your story and see if it improves.
Please don't confuse this with "fluff". Your goal should always be to tell your story. And every aspect of your novel should fit and progress in a way that reveals bits and pieces until you get to the wonderful ending.
Good Luck!