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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> What??s the secret about the Cullen family in Stephenie Meyer??s book Twilight?


What??s the secret about the Cullen family in Stephenie Meyer??s book Twilight?

I need to know this ASAP!
by July fifth!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The secret is that the Cullens are vampires. But they're "vegetarians" meaning that they hunt animals that drink they're blood instead of humans. The first Cullen was Carlisle. He is about three hundred years old and was the first to come up with an alternative to drinking human blood.
Edward Cullen came next. Carlisle turned him in 1918 when Edward was dieing of Spanish Influinza.
Esme came next. She jumped off a cliff because her first and only babie had died.
Then came Rosalie, Emmet, [who was rescued by Rosalie from a bear] Alice [who remembers nothing from her human life] then Jasper.