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Earnest Hemingway, what would you recommend?

As much as I love books I have never read anything by him. What can you recomend. I love advenure, with a great heroin and a touch of culture and romance. Any ideas?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have several favorites. I personally prefer his short stories. My favorite is Hills Like White Elephants. As for his novels, I adore his last, unfinished novel that was published a few years ago, The Garden of Eden. However it is entirely different from anything Hemingway ever read and before you read it, you should read some of his more traditional novels, The Old Man and the Sea, The Son Also Rises as well as a good smattering of his short stories - if you go right to The Garden of Eden, you will be left very confused about Hemingway. I heard he carried it around for almost 40 years, unable to finish it. Pax - C