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Hp costumes?

i want to dress as either tonks or trelawney, i need ideas other thatn a pink wig or poofy hair pleas! what are some other characters that people would not dress up as much? skeeter maybe?

HELP! thanx.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Myrtle is a fun one - get a (clean) toilet seat, put it round your head, and dress up like a Hogwarts student, but have makeup like a ghost!

For Trelawney, get some beer glasses, the kind that make your eyes look giant, and get a lot of glittery jewelry - both can be found at cheap dollar stores or garage sales.

For Tonks, it's hard because the pink hair is definitely going to be popular, and she doesn't have much else to her.

Rita would be great! A giant quill and a handbag would be all you needed for her :) (along with wizardy-clothes of course)

Rosmerta would be fun - get a busty shirt and some robes, and bring some plastic beer cups as props (probably not good for under 21s)

Umbridge is a fun evil one! A giant bow, some awful pink fabric for robes.... hahaha.

i've seen Hedwig - a white outfit and a fake beak, and a lot of oversized, rolled-up "letters"

Hope you have fun!!!