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Did the Holocaust really happen the way it did?

I do agree that 6 million jews died during the Nazi regime years.But to think that they all somehow got cremated in an oven at austwitzed is a little absurd. More likely the 6 million figure has to include all the natural deaths,people who lost fighting in WW2,suicides,deportations,ect.... think Hitler was going after really was to break up the strangle hold the jews had all over Europe,with their wealth,subtle,but still enourmous starnglehold on european governments and their freemasonary connections as well.I think Hitler wanted done really wasn't so much genocide, as he was trying to break the monopoly of influence the Jews had in Europe,while sadly taking out too many innocent men,women and children as well.Or was Hitler more anti-Zionism as opposed to being an Anti-semite. Yes I believe he went way over the top with the jewish question,but an issue that still needed redress.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Unfortunately, there's probably a microscopic grain of truth to some of what you say.

However, whatever the conditions were in Germany in 1932, and previously, and however that might have been influenced one way or another by various individuals of Jewish antecedents:

Jews, and Jewry were only a scapegoat.

Individuals make lousy decisions, no matter what ethnicity they claim.

The Nazi treatment of Jews didn't have much to do with the reality of Jews, so much as the abstraction of Jews.

While many Jews might have been rich, might have been bankers, might have contributed to the lousy economic situation Germany found itself in by 1932, the bulk of the Jewish population was comprised of tradesment, workers and craftsmen. The same as the rest of the German population.

To suggest German Jews strangled the German economy is similar to saying, "Damn, ALL those Germans were GREAT field marshalls!"


As for how many people died in the camps.

Would, say, a million be a number you could more easily believe? If the real number's a million, would you proudly wave it around and assert the 3rd Reich wasn't so bad after all?

How about, say, half-million? Is that the number it would take to make slaughter and dehumanization a virtue?

The number of human beings who died in those camps might be argued by people driven by a wide range of motives. But the fact is, if a hundred, or a thousand, or ten thousand died in those camps, it was an abomination.

Arguing about the exact numbers detracts from the reality, rather than the other alternative.

The answers you get to this question will tell you a lot about the people doing the aswering. They won't tell you much, at all, about what happened in Germany, 1932-1935.

Any issue carrying so much emotional, political, victim-satisfaction as this one is difficult, where actual facts are concerned. Fortunately [from the perspective of sanity and human values], there's absolutely NO question whether the 3rd Reich killed as many Jews as it was able to catch. There's absolutely NO question whether they'd have killed more if they could have caught them. There's absolutely NO question of the intentions of the leaders of the 3rd Reich, where Jews were concerned.

All that's left up for grabs is some bean-counter obsession about numbers.