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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> PLEASE read this original poem!?


PLEASE read this original poem!?


Willows are weeping.
Weeping softly, gently.
Never moving.
Always in the same spot.
Always changing but never moving.
Always weeping.
Always swaying, and dancing and turning.
But always weeping and never moving.
Never changing, always wanting.
Weeping in a wanting way.
Wanting what it cannot have.
Never moving, always weeping.
Never moving, but never sleeping.
Always wanting, always weeping.
Willows are weeping.

-Hannah Forbes

PLease Dont Steal This Poem!

Additional Details

1 week ago
I wrote this when I was really depressed, the tree is sposed to represent me....idk.I was sad ok.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1 week ago
I wrote this when I was really depressed, the tree is sposed to represent me....idk.I was sad ok.