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HELP, I NEED THIS TODAY: Non-peaceful country with the U.S. in 1963?

I'm not using this for homework, but a story that I have to finish today.

I need some help: can someone give me names of small countries that were not at peace with the U.S. in 1963? Nothing high-profile, no countries that the U.S. was at war with, please.

I tried searching, but couldn't find anything.

Any help would be appreciated :-)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Vietnam War was tuning up but hadn't begun yet, in earnest... military ad visors, mostly.

Some flares in Laos.


No diplomatic relations with China.

North Korea had frequent incursions into South Korea across the DMZ into US military held areas with some shooting here and there.

I don't know how much involvement the US policy makers had in Cyprus, but Americans who were there probably didn't see themselves as 'at peace'.

Mercenaries from the US were involved, along with mercenaries from everywhere else, in the Belgian Congo, Kenya, Mozambique, and a lot of the rest of Africa.

That's all I can recall from the time, at the moment.