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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Who would you judge to be of better character?


Who would you judge to be of better character?

A. Someone who works very hard, obeys the law, a good family value person. He would help out anyone out because he's been taught he should. Although he sometimes does it begrudgingly. He's earned the respect and admiration of many.

B. Someone who has no drive, no ambition, smokes marijuana on occassion, gets passing grades in university (although he could do much better), has views much different than the mainstream, but harbours no ill will towards anyone and sees it as a privilege to help out another person.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i always go over this question in my mind. Have you heard a song by 'the streets' on their first album 'original pirate material'? it discuss' this problem with two men taking on both roles. It made me deeply think about this.

The man who works and is legal throughout whatever he does may be the most horrible person in the world. he may be aggressive and think hes better than everyone else who may not be able to get a job for some reason like a disability or even just plain old bad luck.

The man who smokes a class c drugs (which may i point out are legal in certain parts of the world) could be the most nicest kindest man you have ever met. He will accept all people just as they are and will not judge himself against them.

So once i have examined both the characters i think to myself...'who would i rather be friends with?'...Person B without a doubt. I believe he would be more of a friend to me than a person who begrudges helping me when i may need them most.

The song i mentioned before really helped me work this out. Its worth a listen. x