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Is this poetry good?

religion is a subject i often reflect as human behavoir creates a false savoir to hide their problems and solve them using god and nod their heads as their living dread but find hope for things they cant cope, to find answers like meaning of life, but by religion many have died by knife over night for the reason to fight over their diety to protect their society contradicts most beliefs and the grief it causes to most who host a meeting on their ghost and where they are now, reincarnation for all and the cow, but its man made concept that frees loose and can be added and padded to not offend but the only way to send a message through speech is like a leech by those who can convince those since religion oppose a science way but to say its wrong is bullshit because who can sit there and insult and the result of those thoughts cancels out the things that are brought and made to create the way we behave, but yea to each their own respect the tone of the man alone who roams the lawn gnomesh

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hi... :) not so good...

But I say you something about good poetry... No!!! I don't say you... you should read poetry by JAN TWARDOWSKI or WIS偁WA SZYMBORSKA ... and then you will know good poetry :):):) I'm sure that :):):)

You read - or -

I love them and their poetry and I hope that you will love it too :):):)

Regards :)