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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Tell me about Russians counter attack towards Berlin towards the end of WW2?


Tell me about Russians counter attack towards Berlin towards the end of WW2?

For instance, things they did.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: After Stalingrad the Soviet advance westward probably couldn't be called a counter attack. Whatever counter attacking was done was the work of the retreating side.

The Soviet advance was accompanied by the imprisonment, frequently killing of large numbers of Soviet citizens who'd lived under the German occupation, as well as heavy reprisals against anyone suspected of collaborating during the occupation. In Poland, they've been accused of doing a lot of dirty work and blaming it on the Germans.

Soviet victory practices during the advance were most onerous on the countries who entered the war as allies of Germany, and in Germany proper.

It's been suggested by many historians that no female in Eastern Germany, Czech, Romania, was left un-raped by the end of the war.