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Alphabetic poem? What do you think?

This was an exercise for poetry workshop. We had to write a poem in which the words followed the alphabet. The professor challenged us not to start with A, so I didn't. What do you think?

Queen Guinevere??s Trial

Zealous accusations burn
Dying embers flare,
Gesturing hellishly,
Imitating jousting knights.
Lancelot mounts,
Noticing one peril-stricken queen,
Rides, spurring towards
Virtue wasted,
Xanadu yielded.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I LOVE IT! it awesome and that it the coolest exercise I've ever heard of I wish we'd done activities like that when was in high school, oh I hope my English teacher this semester does that, oh! I"ll suggest it. I really like you topic too. KEEP up ther awesome Writing!

Um quick question though, I can't remember who Xanadu is, is it a character in the story? I haven't read it in so long...