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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Has anyone read the MEDIATOR SERIES?


Has anyone read the MEDIATOR SERIES?

if so tell me, if the series was made into a movie who would be most suitable for the characters of
has this been asked before?
even if it has been, please answer this.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Suze-Bonnie Wright (I couldn't exactly find someone that would fit her part, but this is as close as I got--she would have to dye her hair though...)

Jesse-Justin Baldoni

Paul-Jackson Rathbone

I couldn't find the exact fit because all of the characters I pictured in my head weren't real or anyone that would be close to real. (It was mostly Suze's attitude that I couldn't picture with most of the actresses I found. Then Paul...I don't know, I mostly pictured him LIKE Jackson Rathbone, but it wasn't exactly....right. I mostly picked Jackson R. because of the hair--the whole Paul curly brown hair thing. Then for Jesse, I kind of picture him like Justin so I thought he would fit better for Jesse than anyone else.)

This was the best I could do