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Can only certain actors play certain parts?

How much of acting really depends on acting? For example voice tone, looks, and weight have to be equal to the acting? So my question is can even the skilled actor be limited to playing parts? So can you imagine George Clooney play Marty from Back to the Future? Could Tom Hanks play play J.J in Spiderman? or Luke Skywalker?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hi,

it's true that some actors would never be cast for certain roles and always be cast for others. The brilliant actor is versatile and can play different roles. Some actors complain that they are type cast, which means that they are always seen in a certain way and always get cast for those kinds of roles.

That's what casting directors are for. They get a brief from their clients (production people, directors, etc.) so they know EXACTLY what they are looking for and they try to find that person with that fits that description; not only in the way they look, but also in the way they act.

That's one reason why if you know the role you are auditioning for, it could be good to help the casting director really see you in the part, by dressing the part. One, it shows that you did your homework and two, it really gives them a hand in seeing you in that role.

Hope that helps!
