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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Do you think a book of my personal experiences with ghosts would get published?


Do you think a book of my personal experiences with ghosts would get published?

I have encountered "ghosts" approximately 30 times. Some of the situations were extremely scary. If I wrote the events out in narrative form do you think the book would be published? Is there a market for these kinds of books?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: maybe!

but u have to work it real good!

all i mean is, what if i say u in face, "yea??? make me believe then......" or if i say, "u could 've, can u convince me???" u ll start telling me from the very basics of ur mind.. right???

explain nicely, so that it sounds convincing and the more convincing it is, the more creepy and scary it goes!

just put ur best! theres no problem in publishing.... alot of books that say "real haunting" or "a true story" are already out there.... so just put ur best to stand out among them!
